Consulting & Coaching

In addition to talks and workshops designed to start a different kind of conversation about DEI, Harriet offers tailored consultancy for companies wanting to shatter the diversity glass ceiling™. She runs in-house confidence and leadership programs for senior and “rising star” women and takes on a handful of 1-2-1 coaching clients each year for bespoke support, always coming from the angle that while women benefit from learning new skills, the biggest impact comes from simultaneous cultural shifts. 


What could change at the organisational level to help your organisation break through the diversity glass ceiling and lead the way on gender balance?

Harriet creates tailored consulting packages which start with a comprehensive audit of your organisation’s current performance identifying where you’re doing well and where further improvements could be made. This audit - the exact scope of which would be greed with you - would usually involve surveying staff, running small focus groups, 121 interviews with a cross-section of personnel and reviewing all DEI policies, programmes and materials.

Areas that can be examined include hiring/promoting processes, general culture, inclusive performance measurement and remuneration criteria, parental/caring responsibility and flexible working policies, everything around women's health including menopause and menstruation, processes and culture around the sexualisation of women, plus fostering a culture where it is acceptable and encouraged for men to take up caring responsibilities.

Harriet will then create a proposed programme including a top-level project overview, time frames, a communication plan and budget. This can be presented to the Board and / or leadership team for discussion before work commences.


Systemic change takes time - and in the meantime, women need to thrive within the existing paradigm; to step up into confidence and leadership and to perform at the top of their game. Coaching can help.

Harriet offers tailored small group coaching programmes to employees of companies, drawing on her understanding of psychology and her extensive experience and training as a coach to support staff.

These sessions enable employees to focus on topics including energy, life balance, stress management and resilience, confidence and more in a structured, proactive way. The focus is on practical, immediately implementable solutions as well as work to understand mindset and belief structures.

In addition, Harriet takes on a limited number of female clients each year for 121 mentoring and coaching - funded by the individual or their employer.

  • “Harriet has been a big part of our mentoring programme - helping to empower and inspire over 50 women so far. Her sessions are full of wit and compassion offering essential life skill toolkits...inspiring drive and confidence to push forward & own their brilliance.“

    Nic Kemp: Rise, Mentoring Programme Manager

  • “When I started with Harriet, I felt like a massive imposter in my new job, with lots of self-doubt: my inner critic was in charge most of the time. Working with Harriet has tackled all of that, giving me tons of confidence. I’m absolutely owning my leadership position now and truly believe I deserve to be here doing this job! My colleagues recognise the value I bring and respect me, and I respect myself.”

    N. Finance Manager

  • "I hold the people around me at work to a higher standard and they are responding differently to me because of it. My stress levels are far lower. Everything feels less daunting and much more achievable. I’m showing up more authentically, having more fun and finding joy in the small things, because I’m more relaxed in myself."

    A. (coaching client)